Thursday, June 23, 2016

Commentary on Classmate's Post

Yes. I wholeheartedly agree with my classmate on the argument of working together to fix these climate changes from their article, "Climate Change Takes Precedence." After searching through classmate articles, either about Trump or gun-control, I was relieved to find something different, and over an issue, I too, am passionate about. She writes a well planned article with an intriguing opening statement about news we're all familiar with, adding the argument that climate control isn't in the front runner when it should be. She explains the direct effects with facts from a well respected group like NASA, to help people understand the actions taking place by the atmosphere trapping heat from too much carbon dioxide. If the state of the earth continues, it will begin to turn into the planet Venus---severe heat (hot enough to melt lead), clouded enough to black out the sun, rain acid. "COSMOS: A Spacetime Odyssey explores, Earth and Venus may not be as different as they seem. CO2, or carbon dioxide gas, smothers Venus in heat, creating a dense atmosphere that blocks the small amount of sunlight that reaches the planet’s surface from getting back out. The CO2 creates an inferno, a dramatic greenhouse effect that makes life on the planet impossible...As a result, CO2 builds up in the atmosphere and our Earth heats up. And while Venus is an extreme example of a planet overtaken by greenhouse gases, our planet is moving in that direction...The decisions made by future generations will dictate if – or when – Earth will meet that fate."

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