Sunday, June 19, 2016

Vaccines as a Requirement?

Let me start off with a quote from one of my favorite sit-coms, the Big Bang Theory in which Penny says, “You don’t go into science for the money;” Bernadette replies with, “Speak for yourself. Last month my company both invented and cured Restless Eye Syndrome. Ka-ching, ya blinky chumps!” Of course, the show is fiction, but Bernadette is referring to DiseaseMongering― “efforts by a pharmaceutical company to create or exaggerate a malady for the purpose of increasing sales of a medication” ( In other words, making things seem worse than it is or expanding diagnosis in order to sell the “cure” and make more money. Most people don’t need all the medication they’ve been promoting. The body is a self-regulating system that is disrupted when taking drugs which will then cause the drug side-effects that, in most cases, seem worse than the actual problem itself.

Vaccines are very much the same in the fact that doctors are pushing people to get them and using fear as power of the people. The national government needs to be more honest about the health of the American people, but the people with the money get to control how things work. Unfortunately, that will end up just making them even more money. I feel that at least give people the choice and not make vaccines mandatory. People have to go so far out of their way to opt out of something that should be a choice. Several arguments can be made against vaccines, but I can tell you that I’ve never been vaccinated or had a shot in my life and have only been sick maybe once or twice a year that lasts about a day. Yeah, sure, I was sick as often as the next as a kid, but that’s because my immune system was building up its immunity to these basic diseases. Once you get sick, you won’t get the same sickness again. Vaccines are samples of the infection injected into your body where the body has to fight the infection to gain this immunity. People have to be jabbed with needles several times with all these “required” vaccines that they may never have to worry about if they just took care of themselves. It’s hard knowing that some people just don’t have the knowledge to understand. They think they can eat junk food and all kinds of sweets and just take a shot and some medication and they’ll be healthy. Unfortunately, it’s more than that, but it feels better―the natural way: exercise, healthy foods, proper amount of vitamin D (go outside), and drink plenty of water. If you find it difficult to get all the nutrients from your diet, I just take multivitamins. Vitamins are another healthy way to fight diseases without having to deal with any unwanted side effects.

There is “proof” that vaccines have helped save lives with charts dating back three hundred years or so, but you have to take into account the way of the world, too―other factors. Three hundred years ago, people did not live in tightly secured homes with air condition and electricity. Three hundred years ago, people had horrible hygiene and wouldn’t bathe for weeks…disease paradise. Germs spread easily. In the 1700s, women only bathed once a year and they peed freely wherever they wanted because they didn’t wear underwear. Just as many people believe vaccines are a much needed cause today, people in the seventeenth century believed “bathing was unhealthy and that soaking in water would let disease enter the body” (“10 Revolting Facts About the 18thCentury”). Movies, of course, glamorize the interesting sense of style or fantastical romance over these revolting facts, which only seem fair. No one wants to escape to a story of horrible hygiene and lack of indoor plumbing. “Bed bugs would have us jumping out of our beds today, but back in the 18th century, it was a very common thing”. This resulted in the spread of many illnesses. Everyone was also infested with head and body lice, “but never fear, they had an amazing cure for this: mercury! 18th century Europe had a love affair with mercury. They ate it, they rubbed it on their skin, and then they went bat**** crazy and died. On the positive side – at least it killed the lice first!” 

My point is that there are more factors involved when information is displayed. What they say about the death rates decreasing since vaccine invention is true, but is it because of the vaccines? Or are we just evolving as humans, building stronger immune systems and better hygiene with a greater knowledge than our ancestors. We are not lab rats to be pricked. At least give us, the people, the option to decline vaccines. I have had my father, a doctor if I may add, sign me off for “religious reasons” as to not get vaccines, because it was “required” in order for me to go to school. All I ask is for the right to have that choice. Seems fair.  

1 comment:

  1. Very good editorial, I chose yours to write my comment about. You can access it through this link.
